Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Vegetarian Times Everything Vegan

by Mary Margaret Chappell    (Find this book)
A diverse and delicious collection of vegan recipes from the experts at "Vegetarian Times" magazine
Whether they're vegan for a day, a week, a lifetime, or even just for lunch hour, the demand among vegans for deliciously satisfying animal-free recipes has never been greater. "Vegetarian Times Everything Vegan" is the something-for-everyone vegan cookbook with hundreds of tasty, healthful recipes that will woo omnivores to the possibilities of plant-based eating while wowing committed vegans and vegetarians.
Beautifully illustrated and accompanied by a thoughtful and informative Foreword by noted authority Neal D. Barnard, MD, "Vegetarian Times Everything Vegan" is a must-have resource for anyone who lives vegan, loves cooking, or is looking for healthy meal ideas with proven weight-loss benefits. Inside, you'll find: - 250+ easy, healthful recipes with nutrition information- 50+ beautiful full-color photos- Features, tips, and sidebars that provide helpful hints on food shopping, prepping ingredients, and speeding up cooking times. -- Publisher Marketing