by Rena Patten (Find this book)
Quinoa-pronounced keen-wah-is a grain, but not just any grain. It is
considered to be almost a complete food. It is very high in protein,
full of vitamins, gluten- and wheat-free, cholesterol-free and usually
organic. And it is simply delicious.An ancient plant native to the Andes
mountains, quinoa is known to have been a staple food of the Incas.
Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain. The quality of this
protein has been likened by the World Health Organization as being
closest to milk. Quinoa is also a very good source of manganese,
magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, vitamins E and B6,
riboflavin, niacin and thiamine. It has more calcium than cow's milk, is
an excellent antioxidant, is rich in dietary fibre and has more iron
than any grain. It also has the highest content of unsaturated fats and a
lower ratio of carbohydrates than any other grain plus a low Glycemic
Index level. The health benefits are truly enormous.