"In the first six months of its launch, over 500,000 Cake Pop Makers have been sold."
With the invention of the Babycakes(TM) Cake Pop Maker, an ingenious
and wildly popular appliance category has taken the retail marketplace
by storm, and its popularity is only expected to increase as news,
reviews and word spread. It allows the home baker to make fun and
delicious cake pops quickly and easily in just minutes.
delightful and creative recipes have been created specifically for use
in this appliance and feature chapters on cake pop classics, decorating
and dips, cake pop favorites, desserts and sweets, glazes, dips and
fillings, donuts, Ebelskivers (traditional Danish pancakes -- a cross
between American pancakes and a popover), muffins, appetizers, savory
nibbles and show stoppers which are ideal for parties and gifts and come
with gorgeous presentations and packaging suggestions.
creating such delights as: Red Velvet Cake Pops, Brownie Pops, Peach
Cobbler Balls Apple Pie Donuts, Beignets, Lemon Blueberry Ebelskivers
Buffalo Chicken Balls, Jalapeno Cheese Pocket Breads Champagne Balls,
Fourth of July Balls, Halloween Eyeballs
There's even a gluten-free and vegan section.
Also included are extensive and easy-to-follow decorating tips and
techniques for everything from rustic to fancy cake pops as well as
theme decorating ideas for occasions from Valentine's Day to weddings
and birthdays. -- Publisher Marketing